《苔丝》词汇: intrinsically, ethereal, invidious, transmutation, fetishistic, fetishistic, phlegmatically,

And probably the half-unconscious rhapsody was a Fetishistic utterance in a Monotheistic setting; women whose chief companions are the forms and forces of outdoor Nature retain in their souls far more of the Pagan fantasy of their remote forefathers than of the systematized religion taught their race at later date. 也许这半无意识的吟咏是一神论背景下的拜物教话语;以户外自然的形态和力量为主要伴侣的妇女,在她们的灵魂中保留的多半是她们遥远祖先的异教幻想,很少后来教给她们人类系统化的宗教。(第十七章)